Close To My Heart

This is the very first photo of Daniel, taken with my mobile phone when he was 1 day old.

He was born on the 2nd of March 2005.

I was only 35 weeks pregnant I drove myself to hospital that morning, believing that what I felt was just a false alarm but my doctor confirmed that I actually went into labour. Arrangements were made for Daniel to be delivered by Cesarean section a few hours later. I remember the miracle of his first cry and how content we both were when he was given back to me.

A tiny most beautiful baby in the world with black spiky hair. He only weighed 2.5kg but strong, healthy and without any need to be in an incubator. I thanked God for this perfect little blessing, given to me. My Daniel.

I was so in love with my baby and found it impossible to leave him in the baby room with the other new born babies. The nurses would come to take him so that I can sleep and recover. They promised and assured me that they would take good care of him but it would only be minutes before I would get up to fetch Daniel. We slept together as I held him in my arms, on my chest, close to my heart - there where he always will be.

Close to my heart.