Silent Screams

I scream when I am alone in my car driving or when there is no one around, I would put my face in my pillow and scream….until my voice is hoarse and my throat is sore and my face wet from the tears; all with the hope that it will relieve the hurt inside me, to lessen the cropped up pain so suffocating and constantly burning.

Oh, my dearest dearest Danny boy.


Paula said...

Woorde het ek nie .... ek kan net vir God vra om Sy hand oor jou te hou en om jou te versterk en te vertroos.

Ilke said...

oh babe!!!!!! i am thinking of you.. seeing my family for the first time in a while and just thinking how painful this must be for you.... Hopefully catch up with you soon. Ilks xxxx

Nicki said...

take care Alison

Anee said...

ai Ali!

Hester said...

Ali, ek sien die hartseer, ek hoor jou nood in jou hart! Weet dat ek altyd daar vir jou sal wees, al is dit net vir n drukkie. Baie liefde, H

Natalie said...

Hi Ally,
Danie and myself were deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hold tight to memories for comfort.

Lize said...

may there b light 4 you again soon my friend

Anzuette said...

Alie, jy moet sterk wees, elke dag is 'n klein stappie om die seer beter te maak...dink baie aan jou!