Daniel Wonderful

"Daniel wonderful" was another favourite  "mammadaniel game" and it went like this:

Mamma:    Daniel wonderful….

Daniel:    …yes…(all smiles in anticipation)

Mamma:    Daniel beautiful

Daniel:    ….yes….(glowing)

Mamma:    Daniel clever

Daniel:    ….yes….(loving it)

Mamma:    Daniel happy

Daniel:    ….yes….

Mamma:    Daniel funny

Daniel:    ….yes….(mixed with a string of uncontained giggles)

Mamma:    Daniel special

Daniel:    ….yes….(head nodding up and down in confirmation)

Mamma:    Daniel BIGGG

Daniel:    ….yes….(can't wait)

Mamma:    Daniel STRONG

Daniel:    ….yes….(come on Mom, hurry up!)

Mamma:    Daniel….the……..BEST!!!!

And with that we collapsed in a bundle of laughter, tickles, cuddles, kisses, love.
This game was always on repeat and we would do the whole routine few times in a row. Daniel also loved to do it the other way round where he would say "Mamma wonderful…Mamma beautiful..."

These memories pain and warm my heart in equal measures and how I wish that it wasn't all over, how I wish to have him back - my wonderful, beautiful, special Daniel child.


Belinda said...

His Mommy`s special, darling little boy. x

Angel said...

Your story is heart wrenching Alison! I can only imagine what you must go through every day.
Were I to lose my knucklehead I think I would simply curl up into a little ball and stay that way.


Denise said...

That's is so special...so special...♥